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Can Meeting with a Genetic Counselor Help Me?

Find out if meeting with a genetic counselor can help you.

Consider These Questions

  • Do you have questions about a genetic condition that runs in your family?
  • Are you worried about a genetic health condition and haven't had all of your questions answered?
  • Are you considering genetic testing, but aren't sure what to do?
  • Do you have difficulty talking about a genetic condition with your family members?
  • Are you concerned or confused about how a genetic condition in you or your family members could impact your children or future children?
  • Have you been told you may have a genetic condition, and aren't sure what questions to ask?

Learning that you or a family member has a genetic condition can cause stress, worry or leave you with unanswered questions.  A genetic counselor, with their specialized training in genetics and counseling can help you as you work through the information, conversations and decisions that may result from learning a condition runs in your family.

If you think you may benefit from additional support, use our tool found at the link above to answer a few questions and learn whether a genetic counselor could help you and your family.
